Learn with Nuna

Learn the latest tools and techniques that help you get ahead in your mental health!

Understanding personality

Understanding personality

What is personality? Is it possible to change your personality? Even the though we all have a personality, the concept can still be a little hard to explain. In this blog we are going to look at ways to understand personality. Understanding this abstract concept can make it easier for us to see why some behavior comes more natural to us.

How your menstrual cycle impacts your mood

How your menstrual cycle impacts your mood

When you understand how your menstrual cycle may affect your mood, new opportunities open up! It may change the way you adjust your routines and go about your daily life.

Spending time in nature

Spending time in nature

Being connected to nature can bost positive mental well-being. But how can we bring more nature into our everyday life?

What can we learn from minimalism?

What can we learn from minimalism?

Minimalism is a lifestyle that encourages people to live with fewer possessions to increase well-being. How can we reap the benefits of minimalism in our daily life?

How to trigger a new habit

How to trigger a new habit

Learn more about setting up triggers in your everyday life to boost the chances of implementing the habit you want to form.

How to break a habit

How to break a habit

Changing our old behaviors can at the same time seem quite simple and super tricky. Here's how to let go of unhelpful (also called "bad") habits using mindfulness.

Habit stacking

Habit stacking

What is habit stacking? And how can we use it to help implement new behaviors in our everyday life?

What are habits?

What are habits?

Let's have a look at the actions we perform every day, also called habits. What are they? And why and how do we form habits?

Motivating Thoughts

Motivating Thoughts

How can self-doubt negatively impact our motivation? Boost your motivation by assesing self-doubt and improving your self-efficacy.



How do we deal with things in our daily life that are beyound our control? One way is to practice the attitude of acceptance.

Find your Qualities

Find your Qualities

How can we better recognize our qualities and make our self-image become more resilient to negative thoughts?

Calming Music

Calming Music

How can music help you doze-off and improve your sleep? Learn more about the relaxing effects of sleep music.



What does non-striving or non-doing mean? And how can we adopt this approach from mindfulness to lessen stress and feelings of being lost in life?

Visualize It

Visualize It

Boost your confidence and motivation through positive visualization. A powerful tool that can help you improve performance and even manage anxiety.

Clear your Mind for Sleep

Clear your Mind for Sleep

What can you do when your thoughts are keeping you awake? Read to learn more about cognitive distortions that cause issues with falling asleep and how to manage them.

Challenge Inadequacy

Challenge Inadequacy

Why do we experience low self-esteem? What causes us to experience insecurities about ourselves and what can we do to challenge the "I'm not good enough" thoughts?

Find the Good Stuff

Find the Good Stuff

Counteract negativity bias and boost psychological resilience with the method of finding the good stuff

How does anxiety feel?

How does anxiety feel?

Let's recognize some of the physical symptoms of anxiety that we normally try to avoid. Doing so can help us better understand and greater tolerate the way our body responds to anxiety.

Healthy bedtime routines

Healthy bedtime routines

Do you have difficulties with insomnia? Is it hard to fall asleep? Have a look at your bedtime routines and tips on how to develope a healthy sleep hygiene

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